This is the simple code of connecting the express js to mongodb, and i also install the both packages, so why i’m facing this error?
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
app.listen(3000,() => {
console.log("Server is running at port number 3000");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
.then(()=>{console.log("Connection is Succeed")})
.catch((e) => { console.error("Received an Error", e); });
Error I’m facing, they are not connecting.
Server is running at port number 3000
(node:25888) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useNewUrlParser is a deprecated option: useNewUrlParser has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:25888) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: useUnifiedTopology is a deprecated option: useUnifiedTopology has no effect since Node.js Driver version 4.0.0 and will be removed in the next major version
Received an Error MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:27017
at _handleConnectionErrors (C:UsersASUSOneDriveDesktopweb devBackend DevelopmentExpress and MongoDB connectionsnode_modulesmongooselibconnection.js:809:11)
at NativeConnection.openUri (C:UsersASUSOneDriveDesktopweb devBackend DevelopmentExpress and MongoDB connectionsnode_modulesmongooselibconnection.js:784:11) {
reason: TopologyDescription {
type: 'Unknown',
servers: Map(1) { 'localhost:27017' => [ServerDescription] },
stale: false,
compatible: true,
heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000,
localThresholdMS: 15,
setName: null,
maxElectionId: null,
maxSetVersion: null,
commonWireVersion: 0,
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null
code: undefined
Instead of using ‘mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase’ try below code
I had the same problem. just replace the
.So your code changes from this: