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I have created a html page to filter some data in MongoDb and render the data to a display page. And set pagination in the display page. Whenever I choose a new page number, the URL append the page number in the pagination.


  let results = await db.collection("bookings").find(whereClause,
      limit: perPage,
      skip: perPage * (Math.max( - 1, 0) || 0)

  var fullUrl = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.originalUrl;

return res.render('search', { bookings: results, pages: pages, perPage: perPage, fullUrl:fullUrl });

Pagination Page:

  <nav aria-label="Page navigation example">
    <ul class="pagination flex-wrap">
      <% for (var i = 1; i <= pages; i++) { %>
        <li class="page-item"></li>
          <a class="page-link" href="<%=fullUrl%>&perPage=<%=perPage%>&page=<%= i %>">
            <%= i %>
      <% } %>

The problem is every time when I click a new page number in the pagination, it will append the perPage and page parameter into the original link.




  1. Try to remove the perPage and page parameters from the fullUrl before returning it:

    let results = await db
      .find(whereClause, {
        limit: perPage,
        skip: perPage * (Math.max( - 1, 0) || 0),
    var newUrl = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.baseUrl;
    var fullUrl = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.originalUrl;
    const urlSplit = fullUrl.split('?');
    if (urlSplit.length > 1) {
      const queryParams = urlSplit[1]
        .map((q) => {
          const split = q.split('=');
          if (split.length < 2 || split[0] === 'perPage' || split[0] === 'page')
            return '';
          return q;
        .filter(q => q != '')
      newUrl += '?' + queryParams;
    return res.render('search', {
      bookings: results,
      pages: pages,
      perPage: perPage,
      fullUrl: newUrl,
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  2. Parse the original URL into an URL instance. Then you can more easily manipulate the searchParams

    const fullUrl = new URL(
    fullUrl.searchParams.set("perPage", perPage);
    return res.render("search", {
      bookings: results,

    and in your template…

    <% for (var i = 1; i <= pages; i++) { %>
    <li class="page-item">
      <a class="page-link" href="<%=fullUrl%>&amp;page=<%=i%>">
        <%= i %>
    <% } %>
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