I am creating simple queing system with tickets. The ticket is inserted into array in place of first ticket with visitTime greater than one to be inserted. The array contains only ticketIds, which have to be looked up in Mongo database using mongoose findById(ticketId) method before any comparing.
However after writing below code I noticed, that findIndex() method returns always index 0, whatever the data in the array is. What am I missing?
Here is the code:
const ticketToInsertTime = convertTime(ticket.visitTime)
const index = que.activeTickets.findIndex(async (ticketId) => {
const ticketFromArray = await Ticket.findById(ticketId).exec()
const ticketTime = convertTime(ticketFromArray?.visitTime!)
return ticketTime > ticketToInsertTime
if (index < 0) {
} else {
que.activeTickets.splice(index, 0, ticket._id)
function convertTime(time: string) {
const hour = parseInt(time.split(':')[0])
const minutes = parseInt(time.split(':')[1])
return (hour * 60 + minutes)
I solved my problem with slightly different approach. I first fetch list of all active Tickets, then map over them one by one using for ... of loop to retrieve only data I want and finally I find index of specific object in mapped array, which reflects previous array. Code below if someone needs the solution.
Instead of for loop, which executes in a series, for parralell approach you could use
for mapping.Maybe not the cleanest way, but ot works for me.
understanding the findIndex functionality, when findIndex has some return has not null or undefined it treat as true then it return index.
if we take your problem async function return Promise then the promise with void itself a not null or undefined so in that case, it returns the first time of promise has a value with index 0.
for this solution:
create a prototype findIndexAsync custom function to simulate the findIndex function.
apply your matching with your database query function like findById with async and return true same in returning from findIndex method of pure Javascript.
arr.findIndexAsync you can use await inside async function to resolve Promise return by arr.findIndexAsync