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I have the collection sessions:

      "_id": "",
      "members": [
        { "user_id": "11", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "23", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "73", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" }
      "_id": "",
      "members": [
        { "user_id": "59", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "37", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "11", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" }
      "_id": "",
      "members": [
        { "user_id": "11", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "23", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" },
        { "user_id": "28", "joined_at": "2023-06-15T04:50:06.298Z" }

I want to get all distinct user_id values from the entire collection (or based on a filter). Based on the documents above, the intended results should be:

["11", "23", "73", "59", "37", "28"]

I know that the collection.distinct() function exists, but I’d like to see how it’s done for objects fields in an array.



    1. $group – Group all documents and add the members.user_id array into the user_ids array. This results in the user_ids being a nested array.

    2. $set – Set user_ids field.

      2.1. $setUnion – Union the elements from the result 2.1.1. This results in the elements are distinct.

      2.1.1. $reduce – Flatten the nested array user_ids.

        $group: {
          _id: null,
          user_ids: {
            $addToSet: "$members.user_id"
        $set: {
          user_ids: {
            $setUnion: {
              $reduce: {
                input: "$user_ids",
                initialValue: [],
                in: {
                  $concatArrays: [

    Demo @ Mongo Playground

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  1. /*
      Expected Output:
          members: ['11', '23', '73', '59', '37', '28'],
      step 1: unwind members
      step 2: group by null and add to set members.user_id
      step 3: project members
        $unwind: '$members',
        $group: {
          _id: null,
          members: {
            $addToSet: '$members.user_id',
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          members: 1,
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