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I have a collection "TokenBalance" like this holding documents of this structure


Each address has multiple documents like of structure above based on timestamps.

So address X can have 1000 objects with different timestamps.

What I want is to only get the last created documents per address but also pass all the document fields into the next stage which is where I am stuck. I don’t even know if the way I am grouping is correctly done with the $last operator. I would appreciate some guidance on how to achieve this task.

What I have is this

$group stage (1st stage)

_id: '$address',
timestamp: {$last: '$timestamp'}

This gives me a result of


But I want the other fields of each document as well so I can further process them.


1) Is it the correct way to get the last created document per "address" field?

2) How can I get the other fields into the result of that group stage?



  1. Use $denseRank

        $setWindowFields: {
          partitionBy: "$address",
          sortBy: { timestamp: -1 },
          output: { rank: { $denseRank: {} } }
        $match: { rank: 1 }


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  2. I guess you mean this:

    { $group: {
        _id: '$address',
        timestamp: {$last: '$timestamp'},
        data: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
    } }
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  3. If the latest timestamp is also the last sorted by _id you can use something like this:

    [{$group: {
     _id: '$_id',
     latest: {
      $last: '$$ROOT'
    }}, {$replaceRoot: {
     newRoot: '$latest'
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