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I’m trying to do a lookup from collection1 to collection2 using attachments.collection2_keys (an array), and at the same time filter collection1 where collection2.type is typeA, for any key in attachments.collection2_keys.

I believe this query should work, but it returns no results:

db.getCollection('collection1').aggregate([{ $lookup: { from: "collection2", localField: "attachments.collection2_keys", foreignField: "collection2_key", as: "attachments.collection2_items" } }, {$match: {'attachments.collection2_items': {$elemMatch: {$type: 'typeA'}}}}])

Based on other stackoverflow questions, I tried this query, but it filters attachments.collection2_keys not collection1:

db.getCollection('collection1').aggregate([{ $lookup: { from: "collection2", localField: "attachments.collection2_keys", foreignField: "collection2_key", as: "attachments.collection2_items", pipeline: [{$match: {type: 'typeA'}}] } }])

collection1 example:

  { attachments: { collection2_keys: [ 'x' ] } },
  { attachments: { collection2_keys: [ 'y' ] } }

collection2 example:

    collection2_key: 'x',
    type: 'typeA'
    collection2_key: 'y',
    type: 'typeB'

desired result:

    attachments: {
      collection2_keys: [ 'x' ],
      collection2_items: [
          collection2_key: 'x',
          type: 'typeA'



  1. try this

        '$lookup': {
          'from': 'collection2',
          'let': { 'keys': '$attachments.collection2_keys' },
          'pipeline' : [{
            $match : {
             $expr: { $in: ["$collection2_key", "$$keys"] },
           'as': 'attachments.collection2_items'
       $match : {
         "attachments.collection2_items.type": 'typeA'
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  2. try using lookup along with match, addfields and project.

        '$lookup': {
          'from': 'collection2', 
          'localField': 'attachments.collection2_keys', 
          'foreignField': 'collection2_key', 
          'as': 'collection2_items'
      }, {
        '$match': {
          'collection2_items.type': 'typeA'
      }, {
        '$addFields': {
          'attachments.collection2_items': '$collection2_items'
      }, {
        '$project': {
          '_id': 1, 
          'attachments': 1
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