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I have the following two collections, Player and Team. These two collections each contains lots of documents. Here is an example with some dummy data:


_id: ObjectId('6098c5ab615d9e23543d0f6e'),
name: 'Frank',
age: 27,
position: 'striker'

_id: ObjectId('61409537c4f113354782eea3'),
name: 'Jan',
age: 19,
position: 'midfielder'


_id: ObjectId('61961ce8981cfc332fd71711'),
name: 'Team A',
players: [
        refId: ObjectId('6098c5ab615d9e23543d0f6e'),
        goals: 13
        refId: ObjectId('61409537c4f113354782eea3'),
        goals: 6
        refId: ObjectId('61fcfb7d0fcb4d4c284bdefa'),
        goals: 2

_id: ObjectId('61fd27c152d4a56752b8f05c'),
name: 'Team B',
players: [
        refId: ObjectId('6218a8af0486c46703414aba'),
        goals: 2
        refId: ObjectId('61409537c4f113354782eea3'),
        goals: 1

_id: ObjectId('56fd77c152d4a56752b8y89h'),
name: 'Team C',
players: [
        refId: ObjectId('6413780af746f734b8720e5e'),
        goals: 9
        refId: ObjectId('6413781fab3a6458779aaa3f'),
        goals: 0

I’m trying to make a clean up script that goes through all docs in my Team collection and pulls out the object if players.refId no longer exists in the Player collection. how can I do this?

So after the cleanup the teams would look like this:

_id: ObjectId('61961ce8981cfc332fd71711'),
name: 'Team A',
players: [
        refId: ObjectId('6098c5ab615d9e23543d0f6e'),
        goals: 13
        refId: ObjectId('61409537c4f113354782eea3'),
        goals: 6

_id: ObjectId('61fd27c152d4a56752b8f05c'),
name: 'Team B',
players: [
        refId: ObjectId('61409537c4f113354782eea3'),
        goals: 1

_id: ObjectId('56fd77c152d4a56752b8y89h'),
name: 'Team C',
players: [

So far I have this:

    { $unwind: "$players" },  
        $lookup: {
            from: "Player",
            localField: "players.refId",
            foreignField: "_id",
            as: "player"
    { $match: { player: { $size: 1 } } },  
        $group: {
            _id: "$_id",
            players: { $push: "$players" }
    { $project: { _id: 1, players: 1 } },
    { $merge: { into: "Team", on: "_id", whenMatched: "merge" } }

This solution works as long as there are at least one player in each team that exists in the players collection. When a team only has players that does not exist in the players collection, they are not cleaned up because { $match: { player: { $size: 1 } } } filters them away. How do I solve this?



  1. db.Team.aggregate([
      // Unwind the players array
      { $unwind: "$players" },
      // Lookup the player in the Player collection
        $lookup: {
          from: "Player",
          localField: "players.refId",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "player"
      // Filter out players that don't exist in the Player collection
      { $match: { player: { $size: 1 } } },
      // Group the players back into an array and replace the original players array
        $group: {
          _id: "$_id",
          name: { $first: "$name" },
          players: { $push: "$players" }
      // Project only the necessary fields
        $project: {
          _id: 1,
          name: 1,
          players: {
            refId: 1,
            goals: 1
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  2. There is more than one way to do this:
    First, there is a unwind/lookup/filter/group as in answer 1 (I think the match needs a small fix though (see my comment above).

    I’ve stumbled onto a slightly better solution.

         // first get the player id's into one array
        [{$addFields: {
            player_id: {$map: {
               input: '$players',
                in: '$$this.refId'
        '$lookup': {
          'from': '$Players', 
          'let': {
            'lst': '$player_id'
          'pipeline': [
              '$match': {
                '$expr': {
                  // using indexOfArray, so a missing player is -1
                  // and an existing player has an index gt -1 
                  '$gt': [
                      '$indexOfArray': [
                        '$$lst', '$_id'
                    }, -1
              '$sort': {
                'name': 1
          'as': 'x'

    I did this on my own data and changed the variable names since you didn’t provide enough data for the test try mongoplayground

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