I have "bank account" documents in a collection "economy" for a game in this format:
_id: ObjectId("62a5c5d741c1059e0f498c2c")
guild: 98525515134318336
user: 595415131438508070
balance: 156
bank: 100
I want to sort all of the documents that have the same guild
value by the combined value of balance
and bank
(the total networth of that user) in descending order. I know that I need to use MongoDB aggregation, which I am familiar with, but I am not sure how to sort by two values summed together.
I am using MongoDB Java Driver but open to suggestions in the easier javascript form.
By converting the javascript from nimrod serok, I was able to find the solution for MongoDB Java Driver!
One option is to create a new field that sums both:
See how it works on the playground example