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I would like to delete ($pull) nested array elements where one of the element’s properties is null and where the array has more than one element.

Here is an example. In the following collection, I would like to delete those elements of the Orders array that have Amount = null and where the Orders array has more than one element. That is, I would like to delete only the element with OrderId = 12, but no other elements.

        ProductDetails: { "ProductId": 1, Language: "fr" },
        Orders: [
            { "OrderId": 11, "Amount": 200 },
            { "OrderId": 12, "Amount": null }
        ProductDetails: { "ProductId": 2, Language: "es" },
        Orders: [
            { "OrderId": 13, "Amount": 300 },
            { "OrderId": 14, "Amount": 400 }
        ProductDetails: { "ProductId": 3, Language: "en" },
        Orders: [
            { "OrderId": 15, "Amount": null }

The following attempt is based on googling and a combination of a few other StackOverflow answers, e.g. Aggregate and update MongoDB

        { $match: { "Orders.Amount": { "$eq": null } } },
        { $unwind: "$Orders" },
            "$group": {
                "_id": {
                    ProductId: "$ProductDetails.ProductId",
                    Language: "$ProductDetails.Language"
                },"count": { "$sum": 1 }
        { "$match": { "count": { "$gt": 1 } } },
        { "$out": "temp_results" } 
    { allowDiskUse: true}

db.temp_results.find().forEach((result) => {
    db.TestProducts.updateMany({"ProductDetails.ProductId": result._id.ProductId, "ProductDetails.Language": result._id.Language }, 
        { $pull: { "Orders": {"Amount": null } }})

This works, but I am wondering if it can be done in a simpler way, especially if it is possible to delete the array elements within the aggregation pipeline and avoid the additional iteration (forEach).



  1. You can check these conditions in the update query, check 2 conditions

    • Amount is null
    • check the expression $expr condition for the size of the Orders array is greater than 1
      "Orders.Amount": null,
      "$expr": {
        "$gt": [{ "$size": "$Orders" }, 1]
      "$pull": {
        "Orders": { "Amount": null }


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  2. an example
    an example might help:

     let feed = await Feed.findOneAndUpdate(
            feeds: {
              $elemMatch: {
                type: FeedType.Location,
                locations: {
                  $size: 0,
            $pull: {
              feeds: { locations: { $size: 0 }, type: FeedType.Location },
          { new: true, multi: true }
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