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I’m trying to generate ObjectId() when inserting manually in Robo 3T.

Code below seems doesn’t work. I wanted every object inside TestArray have a unique id.

How do I generate ObjectId manually?

    "Name" : "Test",
    "TestArray" : [ 
            "_id" : ObjectId(),
            "Name" : "Test"



  1. Try:

     new ObjectId()

    This will generate the objectId on client side

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  2. I have tried


    and it works fine for me

    enter image description here

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  3. You don’t have to generate the _id, just don’t that field in your insert query and mongo will automatically generate it for you.

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  4. Do it like this:

    var TestArray = []    
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
       TestArray.push({ "_id": ObjectId(), "Name": "Test" }) 
        "Name" : "Test",
        "TestArray" : TestArray
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  5. While this is pretty tedious, if you want to use the typical Meteor structure of a 17 character alphanumeric string, you can use a random text generator online to generate a string, then do a .find() in the collection to see if it exists, and then pass it in your .insert() as the _id value in your insert object. I had the same problem and this was the way I got around it.

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