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I have a db with 80,000 documents in it and each document has a field named Location like below:

Location: "82 Some Street | Gautham PS M1M 1M1"

This address field is repeated in many documents. I want to do a query that does a count of the documents with unique addresses only in Location field. How to do that?

So even though I have 80,000 documents, probably only 50,000 of them are unique and other 30,000 have the repeat address so I want to get that 50,000 count accurately.

I guess first, I have to search all the address and then take out the repeats and then do a count?

I tried distinct command but failed.



  1. You can do it with Aggregation framework:

    • $group with $addToSet – to get all the unique locations and add them to the unique_locations array.
    • $project with $size – to get the total count of unique locations by calculating the length of the unique_locations array.
        "$group": {
          "_id": null,
          "unique_locations": {
            "$addToSet": "$Location"
        "$project": {
          "total_unique": {
            "$size": "$unique_locations"

    Working example

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    • Maybe you should try;
      let location="82 Some Street | Gautham PS M1M 1M1";
      const getUniqueLocations = await YourDB.find({Location : {$ne: location}}).countDocuments();

    countDocuments() returns the count.

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  2. You can use this query:

        "$group": {
          "_id": "$Location",
          "count": {
            "$sum": 1
        "$match": {
          count: 1
        "$count": "uniqueAddresses"

    In this query, first, we group the documents by address and calculate the counts. Next, we only keep the counts where the value is 1. Then using the $count operator we calculate the count.

    Playground link.

    Try this as well:

        "$group": {
          "_id": null,
          "unique": {
            "$addToSet": "$statusCode"
        "$addFields": {
          "count": {
            "$size": "$unique"
        "$project": {
          _id: 0

    Playground link.

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