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Can you guys help me with this problem?


      _id: "63f69650e820990f82dca60b",
      transactions: [
          fee: "100",
          fee: "200",

I want to add a total_fee field to calculate total fee of all the transactions in a document.

I tried using

$addfields: {
  total_fee: {
    $sum: {$toInt: "$transactions.fee"}

But mongo return error about can’t convert array to int



  1. When you specify "$transactions.fee", it resolves to an array of strings. $toInt doesn’t accept an array.
    You use $reduce to iterate through the array and convert each string to integer, before adding.

        $addFields: {
          total_fee: {
            $reduce: {
              input: "$transactions.fee",   //1. Input is the array of strings
              initialValue: 0,              //2. Start 
              in: {                         //3. iterate though the array
                $add: [
                  "$$value",                //5. add the converted string to intermediate result, accessed using $value
                  {$toInt: "$$this"}        //4. use $this to access current value of the iteration, convert it to int


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  2. Using $reduce is an overkill in my opinion. $map should be simpler and is certainly faster:

        $addFields: {
          total_fee: {
            $sum: {
              $map: {
                input: "$transactions.fee",
                in: { $toInt: "$$this" }

    Of course, the proper solution is to store numeric values as number rather than strings.

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