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I want to ges all the documentos that are inside a range of dates, but my query instó retriving all the validar Collections:

To resume
My query receives two date values ​​as a string, one for ‘arrival’ and the other for ‘check-out’ with these two dates i need to retrive all documents that are between these two dates.


with these values i should retrive all documents in which the ‘arrival’ value is ‘greater than or equal’ to the arrival input and ‘less than’ the ‘check-out’ value, but it should also get all the documents in which the ‘check-out’ value is ‘greater than’ the the arrival input

And i dont know how to the $or clase in the query for the ‘check-out’ case

My Query:

  $expr: {
    $and: [
        $gte: [
            $dateFromString: {
              dateString: "$arrival"
          new Date("2024-06-11T06:00:00.000Z")
        $lt: [
            $dateFromString: {
              dateString: "$arrival"
          new Date("2024-06-16T06:00:00.000Z")

Mongo playground Link :



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finally manage to complete the query, thanks to the anwsers of everyone i manager to come up with the solution, this is how the query ended op like:

    $expr: {
        $or: [
            $and: [
                $gte: [
                    $dateFromString: {
                      dateString: "$arrival"
                  new Date("2024-06-11T06:00:00.000Z")
                $lt: [
                    $dateFromString: {
                      dateString: "$arrival"
                  new Date("2024-06-16T06:00:00.000Z")
            $and: [
                $gte: [
                    $dateFromString: {
                      dateString: "$checkout"
                  new Date("2024-06-11T06:00:00.000Z")
                $lt: [
                    $dateFromString: {
                      dateString: "$checkout"
                  new Date("2024-06-16T06:00:00.000Z")

  2. If you store values as Date objects and if I understand you requirements correctly, it would be this one:

       $or: [
          { arrival: { $gte: new Date("2024-06-11T06:00:00.000Z"), $lt: new Date("2024-06-16T06:00:00Z") } },
          { "check-out": { $gte: new Date("2024-06-11T06:00:00.000Z"), $lt: new Date("2024-06-16T06:00:00Z") } },

    The $and operator is not needed.

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