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I have created a database and accompanying user for the database but It appears I cant do backups with that user and neither can I add the backup role to the user.
Having checked documentation I added a user but this time at the admin database level (use admin) and added backup role for the same.

However when I attempt to do a backup I am getting an error Failed: error dumping metadata: error creating directory for metadata file /var/backups/…: mkdir /var/backups/…: permission denied


 `kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <pod_name> -- sh`

(mongo is running in kubernetes)


`use admin` 

(switch to admin user)


db.createUser( {user: "backupuser", pwd: "abc123", roles: ["root", "userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase","backup"], mechanisms:["SCRAM-SHA-256"]})
 `db.getUsers({ filter: { mechanisms: "SCRAM-SHA-256" } })`

(Verify if user exists)


 mongodump -u backupuser -p abc123 --authenticationDatabase admin -d TESTDB --out /var/backups/dump-25-05-22 --gzip

Is it possible to even amend permissions for this user in such a case or I should be looking somewhere else.
In the container it seems I cant do any permission updates (for the group) but the user already has all permissions on /var/backups :

ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 18  2021 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Feb 18  2021 ..

I am not convinced either that I should be going even this far. The backup should execute out of the box as per the user I added.

What exactly am I missing ?



  1. There is nothing to do from mongodb side. The user that is running mongodump command doesn’t have the required permission. To check if thats the case, you can try this out : sudo chmod 777 -R /var/backups/ before running mongodump.

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  2. Same here. If i’m applying the mongodump ... command as entrypoint to a mongo-container, the dump cannot be written to a mounted volume (permission denied).

    If i hack into the container and run exact the same command manually, everything works.

    Solution that worked for me as an entrypoint was:
    Changing mongodump ... to /bin/sh -c "mongodump ...

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