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I am getting different ID value in JSON response when checking variable as id & _id in DTO

CASE I ( using id as variable )

DTO for the response

export class UserDetail {
        @Expose( )
        id: string; //HERE ID is used which gives original id as in db
        @Expose( )
        name: string;
        @IsOptional( )
        @Expose( )
        mobile: string;

Response for this is:

            "id": "6229df5cc32d3aaef32525e0", // Correct id as in db
            "name": "Name1 Title1",
            "mobile": "AB391C339",
            "id": "6229df7bc32d3aaef32525e3", // Correct id as in db
            "name": "Name2 Title2",
            "mobile": "CDE393F339",

CASE II ( using _id as variable )

Now changing DTO

export class UserDetail {
       @Expose( )
       _id: string; //HERE _id is used which gives different id value from original one and subsequent ids are in incremental fashion
       @Expose( )
       name: string;
       @IsOptional( )
       @Expose( )
       mobile: string;

Response for this is:

            "_id": "624023c8193f2404f8312ccb", // Not same as present in db
            "name": "Name1 Title1",
            "mobile": "AB391C339"
            "_id": "624023c8193f2404f8312ccc", // Not same as present in db
            "name": "Name2 Title2",
            "mobile": "CDE393F339"

Schema for user is:

@Schema( )
export class User extends Document {

    @Prop( { required: true } )
    name: string;

    @Prop( { required: true } )
    mobile: string;

Another Observation: With the use of _id in dto, all the ids in response are in incremental fashion. eg. cb, cc, cd, ce
& with only id in dto it’s showing ids as original id in db.

Library & Framework Used: NestJs, Fastify, Mongoose, Class-Transformer



  1. i don’t quite understand your question…

    you need to give some information about what libraries you are using and what you are actually trying to do.

    so far i can only tell you that mongodb uses the _id filed as a unique identifier for each record.

    the value for this identifier also relies on the time at which it is created (read more)

    some libraries also add a virtual field id to each entry which links back to _id, this is only done for cosmetic purposes.

    each table entry needs such a unique id for indexing and relational data modeling.

    i hope this provided at least something useful to you

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  2. According to what you wrote only explanation that came to my mind is that your documents accually contain both fields id and _id, that might happen if someone imported documents directly to database in some wired way. It happened to me once when I imported raw json backup.

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  3. As far as I can see from the code you shared, there is no such thing as "id" in you schema.

    Look at this post and see if it helps you figure it out.

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