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My data structure looks as follows

            "_id": "642e9f78abebcdd68147d6aa",
            "name": "test two",
            "priority": 0,
            "users": [
                    "admin": true,
                    "role": 3,
                    "_id": "642aa3df4add92f56fe8caab"
                    "admin": false,
                    "role": 1,
                    "_id": "642bf3865808d8888a1995b4"
            "createdAt": "2023-04-06T10:31:20.033Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-04-06T10:31:27.863Z",
            "__v": 0

I would like to find the project by id ( "_id": "642e9f78abebcdd68147d6aa")

then find the user by id ("_id": "642aa3df4add92f56fe8caab")

and update the user.

I tried to findOne and update

 const projects = await Project.findOneAndUpdate(
        _id: projectId,
        "users._id": user._id,
        $set: {
          users: update,

however, this approach updates the whole "users" array instead of just one specific one that matches the search.

my next attempt was:

  const projects = await Project.findOneAndUpdate(
      { projectId },
      { $set: { users: update } },
      { arrayFilters: [{ "users._id": user._id }] }

however, this gives me the following error

MongoServerError: The array filter for identifier 'users' was not used in the update { $setOnInsert: { createdAt: new Date(1680862292699) }, $set: { users: [ { admin: false, role: 3, _id: ObjectId('642fec54b0a5eea143444e16') } ], updatedAt: new Date(1680862292699) } }



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have found the answer, to update such nested files you can use the following:

    const projects = await Project.findOneAndUpdate(
            _id: projectId,
            "users._id": user._id,
            $set: { "users.$": { ...update, _id: user._id } },
            new: true,

  2. You can use $elemMatch like below and use this object in to mongoose query. I think it will help you.

    users: { $elemMatch: { _id:"642aa3df4add92f56fe8caab"}

    More clarification about $elemMatch visit this link

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