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I am fetching for category and subcategory i am using the following pipeline

                "$match": {
                    "category": {
                         "$in": ["list of my categories"]
                "$group": {
                    "category": "$category",
                    "count": {
                        "$sum": 1

This gives me:

{category: category name,
count: totalcount}

Subcategory pipeline

                "$match": {
                    "category": {
                        "$in": ["list of my categories"]
                "$group": {
                    "_id": { subCategory: "$subCategory", category: "$category" },
                    "count": {
                        "$sum": 1
                "$group": {
                    "_id": "$_id.category",
                    "counts": {
                        "$push": {
                            "k": "$_id.subCategory",
                            "v": "$count"
                        $sum: "$counts"
                "$project": {
                    "counts": { "$arrayToObject": "$counts" },

This gives me

category: name {

subcategory1 : total count,

How do I join the two to get a single call to return something like

{category: categoryname,
count: totalcountforcategory,
subcategories: {
subcategory: totalcount,


Here is my sample JSON

    "category": "Category one",
    "name": "Sample name",
    "subCategory": "subCategory one",
    "category": "Category one",
    "name": "Sample name",
    "subCategory": "subCategory two",
    "category": "Category two",
    "name": "Sample name",
    "subCategory": "subCategory one",
    "category": "Category one",
    "name": "Sample name",
    "subCategory": "subCategory two",

Expected OutPut

"Category one": 3,
subCategories: {
"subCategoryone": 2,

"Category two": 5,
subCategories: {
"subCategoryone": 2,



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I used $facet to join pipelines i don't know if it is best practice or not

    const pipeline = [
                "$facet": {
                        [{ $project: { name: 1, category: 1,subCategory:1,votes:1 } }]
                    "GroupTotal": [
                            "$match": {
                                "nominationYear": {
                                    "$eq": "2022"
                            $count: "total"
                    "GroupCategories": [
                            "$match": {
                                "category": {
                                    "$in": ["Categories"]
                            "$group": {
                                "_id": { category: "$category" },
                                "count": {
                                    "$sum": 1
                    "GroupSubCategories": [
                            "$match": {
                                "category": {
                                    "$in": ["Categories"]
                            "$group": {
                                "_id": { subCategory: "$subCategory", category: "$category" },
                                "count": {
                                    "$sum": 1
                            "$group": {
                                "_id": "$_id.category",
                                "counts": {
                                    "$push": {
                                        "k": "$_id.subCategory",
                                        "v": "$count"
                                "count": {
                                    $sum: "$counts"
                            "$project": {
                                "counts": { "$arrayToObject": "$counts" },

    And here is my output

      "nominations": [
          "GroupAll": [""],
          "GroupTotal": [""],
          "GroupCategories": [""],
      "total": ""

    I achieved it using $facet to join multiple pipelines

  2. db.collection.aggregate([
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            cat: "$category",
            sub: "$subCategory"
          "count": {
            "$sum": 1
          "subCategory": {
            $push: "$$ROOT"
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$",
          "counts": {
            "$push": {
              "k": "$_id.sub",
              "v": "$count"
          "count": {
            $sum: "$counts"
        "$project": {
          "counts": {
            "$arrayToObject": "$counts"


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