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My server gets a response from another server with a document from a mongodb database with a body similar to

    messageDetails: {
        body: "hello"
    customerDetails: {
        cstmrFirstName: 'Random',
        cstmrLastName: 'Name',

But the response with the body is being logged to the console as:

  messageDetails: [Object],
  customerDetails: [Object],

How can I log the full object to the console with each object’s properties?



  1. const util = require(‘util’)

    console.log(util.inspect(objectName, {showHidden: false, depth: null, colors: true}))

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  2. Try console.log(JSON.stringify(body))
    Checkout MDN doc JSON.stringify() for more details

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  3. You can use console.dir. To print with unlimited depth, use {depth: null} option:

    console.dir(body, {depth: null});
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  4. To anyone using Deno (I didn’t test this anywhere else):

    To make console.dir disregard depth limits, pass a second argument with depth set to Infinity:
    console.dir(body, { depth: Infinity });

    Based on @A1exandr Belan’s answer, but changing null to Infinity, since it seems console.dir takes null as 0 and outputs just a simple [Array].

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