I am trying to create a (MERN stack) management system that keeps track of vacant rooms in a hotel.
I am trying to change the roomTypeAOccupiedTotal from 2 to 3.
From the client side, it sends an axios.put()request as follows:
.put(`http://localhost:8082/api/myHotel/${branchStatus.id}`, data)
this is the server-side code:
router.put('/:_id', (req, res) => {
req.params looks like this:
{ _id: '63b4d533fabbf31cdb519896' }
req.body looks like this:
roomOccupied5F: 3,
roomOccupied6F: 5,
roomTypeAOccupiedTotal: 2,
roomTypeBOccupiedTotal: 8,
let filter = { _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params._id) }
let update = { $set: req.body }
MyHotel.findByIdAndUpdate(filter, update, {new: true})
.then(data => res.json({ msg: 'updated successfully' }))
.catch(err =>
res.status(400).json({ error: 'Unable to update the Database' })
Below are the GET request and PUT request sent using POSTMAN.
after the message "updated successfully", I sent another GET request to check, but there are no changes to the variable(roomTypeAOccupiedTotal).
Could someone help me with solving this problem? the findByIdAndUpdate() method is working, as its not throwing any errors, but its not updating.
I believe your problem is the filter object. Looking at the docs for findByIdAndUpdate, it expects to receive the id param, not a filter object.
Additionally, when you create an objectId out of the request param, you aren’t creating a new instance of it, so whatever was passed in would have failed to match anything. My IDE highlights this for me:
Your fix is likely something like this:
No need to convert
, and no need to use the update operator(i.e.$set
).try this: