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My MongoDB database has the ‘interviews’ collection whose document structure is similar to this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("632b97b0f2bd3f64bbc30ec8"),
    "agency" : "AG1",
    "year" : "2022",
    "month" : "9",
    "residents" : [
            "sequential" : 1,
            "name" : "Resident 1",
            "statusResident" : "pending",
            "sequential" : 2,
            "name" : "Resident 2",
            "statusResident" : "not analyzed"
            "sequential" : 3,
            "name" : "Resident 3",
            "statusResident" : "not analyzed"
            "sequential" : 4,
            "name" : "Resident 4",
            "statusResident" : "finished"

    "_id" : ObjectId("882b99b0f2bd3f64xxc30ec8"),
    "agency" : "AG2",
    "year" : "2022",
    "month" : "9",
    "residents" : [
            "sequential" : 1,
            "name" : "Resident 10",
            "statusResident" : "pending",
            "sequential" : 2,
            "name" : "Resident 20",
            "statusResident" : "not analyzed"

I would like to make a query that returns something similar to SQL SELECT agency, statusResident, COUNT(*) FROM interviews GROUP BY agency, statusResident.

For these documents above, that would return something like

AG1     pending        1
AG1     not analyzed   2
AG1     finished       1
AG2     pending        1
AG2     not analyzed   1

I ran the following queries but they didn’t return what I need:

                 { $group: { _id: { agency: "$agency", statusResident: "$residents.statusResident", total: { $sum: "$residents.statusResident" } } } },
                 { $sort: { agency: 1 } } 
    key:{agency:1, "residents.statusResident":1},
    reduce:function(current, result)
       { += 1;

I’ve consulted post "MongoDB SELECT COUNT GROUP BY" and "Select count group by mongodb" as well as the MongoDB documentation but to no avail. What query should I run to get a result similar to the one I want?



  1. Try this one

      { $unwind: "$residents" },
        $group: {
          _id: {
            agency: "$agency",
            statusResident: "$residents.statusResident",
            total: { $sum: 1 }
      { $sort: { agency: 1 } }

    Mongo Playground

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  2. You can try this query:

    • First $unwind to deconstruct the array and can group by statusResident too.
    • Then $group by two values, agency and statusResident.
    • And the last stage is $project to get an easier to read output.
        "$unwind": "$residents"
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "agency": "$agency",
            "statusResident": "$residents.statusResident"
          "total": {
            "$sum": 1
        "$project": {
          "_id": 0,
          "agency": "$",
          "statusResident": "$_id.statusResident",
          "total": 1

    Example here

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