I am building a react website where I assign a subdomain to the user when they sign up according to the username they enter, let’s say their username is john
, then the subdomain will be john.mydomain.com
I would like to know how to redirect a user to its subdomain after they signup. I have access to the user data immediately after signup, such as username.
Sign up code:
export const signup = (formData, history) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
// sign up the user
const { data } = await api.signUp(formData);
dispatch({ type: "AUTH", data });
toast.success("Signed Up successfully");
} catch (error) {
dispatch({ type: "ERROR", data: error?.response?.data });
Thank You.
Assuming the subdomain is on the same host you can use History API or fallback on location:
And then on the subdomain:
In a new sign up, your server can generate a one time random string, which can be returned to your front end.
Then when you get the random string, you can pass it to your next page
On arrival to your new page, the new page should get the authkey, pass it to backend, to confirm it’s authentication status, and send back the user data you need, before you save it to your store in the new domain page.
You need to generate a random string (to be saved to a database of sort), because you should not be passing any private information via the query string.