Example Documents:
{"subdocument": {"value":100,"additionalValue":300}},
{"subdocument": {"value":100} // additionalValue doesn't exist on this one
What I want: at the end of my aggregation:
"largest": // The entire first item because 300 is the highest overall value
"smallest": // The entire second item because 100 is the smallest "" average
"average": 150 // 1st item average is 200, 2nd item is 100 and their combined average is 150
What I did:
{ $sort: { 'subdocument.value': -1 } },
$group: {
_id: null,
average: { $avg: '$subdocument.value' },
items: { $push: '$$ROOT' },
{ $set: { largest: { $first: '$items' } } },
{ $set: { smallest: { $last: '$items' } } },
{ $project: { largest: 1, smallest: 1, average: 1 } },
But this does not include the additonalValue
And I don’t know of any way to get a "larger one" expression
something like: average: { $max: { $larger: ['$subdocument.value', 'subdocument.additonalValue'] }},
IMPORTANT NOTE: the additionalValue
field is optional.
Just as reference the solution by @ray combined with a filter instead of lookup that I came up with:
Simply applying the operation twice on the values.
Mongo Playground