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I have an ip address collection:

 "_id" : "uezyuLx4jjfvcqN",   
  "CVE" : ["CVE2020-123", "CVE2022-789", "CVE2019-456"],   
  "ip" : ""   
  "_id" : "dCC8GrNdEjym3ryua",   
  "CVE" : ["CVE2020-123", "CVE2021-469"],  
  "ip" : ""  
  "_id" : "dCC8GrNdEjym3ryua",   
  "CVE" : ["CVE2020-123", "CVE2021-469"],  
  "ip" : ""  

I’m trying to calculate the distinct sum of the CVE field, where IPs are in ["", ""].

Expected output:

 ip: ['', ''], 
 CVES: ["CVE2020-123", "CVE2022-789", "CVE2019-456", "CVE2021-469"]

So I’m doing the following:

db = db.getSiblingDB("test");
hosts = db.getCollection("test-collection")
    {"ip": {$in: ["", ""]}}},
    {_id: "$CVE",
    totals: {$sum: "$CVE"}}}

The sum is returning 0, which I’ve realised is because of MongoDb’s behaviour when trying to sum a string field. This is detailed here: mongodb sum query returning zero

What I would like to know though is how I can sum the number of elements, and also find the distinct sum.`



  1. Simple option:

     $match: {
      "ip": {
        $in: [
      $unwind: "$CVE"
     $group: {
      _id: "",
      ip: {
        $addToSet: "$ip"
      CVE: {
        $addToSet: "$CVE"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      ip: 1,
      CVE: 1,
      sum_distinct_cve: {
        $size: "$CVE"


    1. Match the ip’s
    2. unwind the CVE arrays
    3. group so you can join ip and CVE distinct values only
    4. Project the necessary fields and use $size to count the distinct CVE’s


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  2. I agree with @R2D2. One more option to avoid $unwind (which considered costly in terms of performance) is to use $reduce instead:

      {$match: {ip: {$in: ["", ""]}}},
      {$group: {
          _id: 0,
          ip: {$addToSet: "$ip"},
          CVE: {$addToSet: "$CVE"}
      {$project: {
          _id: 0, ip: 1,
          CVE: {
            $reduce: {
              input: "$CVE",
              initialValue: [],
              in: {$setUnion: ["$$value", "$$this"]}
      {$set: {sum_distinct_cve: {$size: "$CVE"}}}

    See how it works on the playground example

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