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I have a pretty large Mongo collection which I want to query in batches of 50K docs using a cursor with a pre-defined batchSize.

This is my code-

const aggregation = [{ $match: { example: '1' }}]

await mongoose.connect(CONNECTION_STRING)
const db = mongoose.connection
    .cursor({ batchSize: 50000 })

await cursor.eachAsync(async (doc) => {
  // do something

For some reason I keep getting the following error –

TypeError: db.collection(...).aggregate(...).cursor is not a function

What am I doing wrong? Is there any other way to query Mongo in batches?



  1. AFAIK there is no .cursor() function. You should specify batch size in the options parametr of .aggregate().

    const aggregation = [{ $match: { example: '1' }}]
    await mongoose.connect(CONNECTION_STRING)
    const db = mongoose.connection
    const cursor = db.collection('some-collection')
        .aggregate(aggregation, { cursor: { batchSize: 50000 } })
    await cursor.eachAsync(async (doc) => {
      // do something
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  2. None of the answers here worked for me (using Mongoose 6.3 on a ver 5.x MongoDB server) in 2022. According to their latest documentation this is what you have to do, and you don’t need to chain .exec() onto it anymore:

    const pipeline = [{...}, {...}]; // aggregate stages go here
    const cursor = Collection.aggregate(pipeline).cursor();
    // method call
    let doc;
    while ((doc = await {
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