I am using MongoseDB in order to receive some information about an item. When i try to search for it, it finds it with no trouble, but for some reasons this function is not pushing them into my array. I think this might be because of some async functions and that the console.log() is triggered before any item is being pushed in there.
const getOrders = function(allOrders){
let promise = new Promise((succ, fail)=>{
let ordersTodisplay = []
for (let order of allOrders) {
if (!(order.orderId === null || order.orderItem === null)){
postMong.findById(order.orderItem, function (err, item) {
if(ordersTodisplay.length > 0){
} else{
fail("no items")
return promise
const userDB = req.session.username
if (userDB !== undefined && userDB){
userForm.findOne({ username : userDB }, function (err, user) {
const userOrders = user.userOrders;
if (userOrders.length > 1) {
getOrders(userOrders).then((result)=>{console.log(result)}, (fail)=>{console.log(fail)})
res.render('../view/accountpage',{username: userDB,orders: itemsToDisplay});
res.render('../view/accountpage',{username: userDB,orders: "There are no orders"});
} else {
The result is : no items
You have to for the database call to complete and then push the data in the array like this, using async-await:
Your code is quite nested and that makes it hard to reason about what is happening.
To break down your code, you:
that doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere, so I’m a bit confused)I’d try to capture that logical pattern in the code. A good trick is returning early to make the code less nested and interdependent:
Notice how this code highlights that you are not explicitly handling the error case from loading orders.
You can further simplify this by using something like express-async-handler which will let your endpoint function be async as well:
I think using async/await syntax all the way through leaves the code more consistent and easier to reason about than the mix of callbacks,
new Promise
and await that was suggested in another answer. In the end, the endpoint is not very complex, and I think the code can reflect that.