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so I’m making a message count command with discord.js and MongoDB but the "messageCount" value just never gets created. I searched it up and looked at docs but I couldn’t find what was wrong.


message-counter.js file:

const mongo = require("mongoose")
const schema = require("./schemas/rank/message-count-schema")

module.exports = client => {
    client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {    
        const { author } = message
        const { id } = author
            { keepAlive: true }

        const dataQuery = await schema.findOne({ _id: id })
        if (!dataQuery) {
            const newSchem = schema(
                    _id: id
                    $setOnInsert: { messageCount: 1 }
                    $inc: { messageCount: 1 }
                    upsert: true
        else {
                    $inc: { messageCount: 1 }
                    upsert: true

message-count-schema.js file:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const messageCountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    _id: {
        type: String,
        required: true

    messageCount: {
        type: Number,
        required: true

module.exports = mongoose.model('message-count', messageCountSchema);

Can someone tell me what’s wrong and how to fix it? I’m not asking to be spoon fed, just what’s wrong.

enter image description here



  1. The thing is $setOnInsert is only valid for update operations when the upsert value is set to true. It exists in these methods => updateOne(), updateMany, findAndModify(). In this case, when it not an update operation, the $setOnInsert doesn’t run which is why your data doesn’t have the messageCount value.

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  2. Like caladan said before, and adding to that you need .findbyId() if you want to use _id, is your message count is per user or per guild?
    if per user you can add to your schema a userID String item and use

    const member = await message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) ||;
    const dataQuery = await schema.findOne({ UserID: })
    const messagecount = dataQuery.messageCount;

    If per guild, you can add GildId item in your schema, and use:

    const dataQuery = await schema.findOne({ GuildId: })
    const messagecount = dataQuery.messageCount;
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