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I have the following data in MongoDB. Based alone on an id that I have available how can I retrieve all other entries where the player matches the player for my current id.

For example : find who the player for id 12 is, search all other entries that match that player name and return a list of all of them.

{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043964c', id: '12', player: 'David Beckham', team: 'Manchester United'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043965c', id: '17', player: 'Cristiano Rolando', team: 'Manchester United'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043966c', id: '22', player: 'Cristiano Rolando', team: 'Juventus'},
{_id: '62ecdf342f1193134043967c', id: '42', player: 'David Beckham', team: 'Real Madrid'},

This is the code that I’m using to retrieve the one single entry that matches a specific id and then I’d also like to get the related entries.

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
  const jerseyA = await db
    .find({ id: params.jersey })
  const jersey = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jerseyA))[0];
  return { props: { jersey } };



  1. Now that you know the name, do another fetch like .find({player: jersey.player})

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  2. I’m not sure of the output format you want, but here’s one way to return all documents that match the "player" name of the given "id".

        "$match": {
          // your id goes here
          "id": "17"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Jerseys",
          "localField": "player",
          "foreignField": "player",
          "as": "docs"
      {"$unwind": "$docs"},
      {"$replaceWith": "$docs"}

    Example output:

        "_id": "62ecdf342f1193134043965c",
        "id": "17",
        "player": "Cristiano Rolando",
        "team": "Manchester United"
        "_id": "62ecdf342f1193134043966c",
        "id": "22",
        "player": "Cristiano Rolando",
        "team": "Juventus"

    Try it on

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  3. Just an addition to @rickhg12hs solution, to ignore the first record. You can use the following query to ignore the first record (where the id also matched) and the others.

        "$match": {
          "id": "12"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Jerseys",
          "localField": "player",
          "foreignField": "player",
          "as": "docs"
        "$unwind": "$docs"
        "$replaceWith": "$docs"
        "$match": {
          "id": {
            "$not": {
              "$eq": "12"

    A possible javascript translation of it, should be,

    export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
      const { db } = await connectToDatabase();
      const { jersey: id } = params;
      const jerseyA = await db
        "$match": {
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Jerseys",
          "localField": "player",
          "foreignField": "player",
          "as": "docs"
        "$unwind": "$docs"
        "$replaceWith": "$docs"
        "$match": {
          "id": {
            "$not": {
              "$eq": id
      const jersey = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jerseyA))[0];
      return { props: { jersey } };
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