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This is my first question ever here so super excited to learn and apologies if the syntax is not up to mark, I will improve with time.

  1. "item" is an Array ( this doc has only one element)
  2. "adjudication" is a nested Array with a variable number of elements(same structure)
  3. I want to create keys out of "adjudication.category.coding.code" without hardcoding as the values will be different with each document but will have the same string length
  4. I tried using "$map" to apply the same logic to each array element but failed
    "item": [
        "adjudication": [
            "amount": {"code": "USD", "system": "4217", "value": 22.51},
            "category": {
              "coding": [
                  "code": "",
                  "system": ""
            "reason": {
              "coding": [
                  "code": "C",
                  "system": ""
            "amount": {"code": "USD", "system": "4217", "value": 0},
            "category": {
              "coding": [
                  "code": "",
                  "system": ""

Output desired

adjudication: {paid_amt: 22.51, discount_amt: 0}



  1. Welcome to SO. I hope the following code will solve your exception. Sometime you may modify based on you wish.

    • $unwind to deconstruct the array
    • $map to loop / modify through the array, and $arrayElementAt to. get the first object from the array
    • $let to find the last potion by $spliting for "paid_amt" and "discount_amt". So this will be an array of object. But you need objects. So the next part I make it as k:v pair.
    • $arrayToObject to make array to object by using above k:v pair. ("k" and "v" names are must. Can’t replace by any other names)
    • $group to reconstruct the array that we did in 1st step

    Here is the code,

      { "$unwind": "$item" },
        $project: {
          "item.adjudication": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$item.adjudication",
              "in": {
                amount: "$$this.amount.value",
                code: {
                  "$arrayElemAt": [ "$$this.category.coding", 0 ]
        $project: {
          "item.adjudication": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$item.adjudication",
              "in": {
                v: "$$this.amount",
                k: {
                  "$let": {
                    "vars": {
                      "code": {
                        "$split": [ "$$this.code.code", "/" ]
                    "in": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$$code",  -1 ]  }
        $project: {
          "item.adjudication": {
            "$arrayToObject": "$item.adjudication"
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$_id",
          "item": {  "$push": "$item" }

    Working Mongo playground

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  2. try this playground

        $unwind: {
            path: '$item'
    }, {
        $unwind: {
            path: '$item.adjudication'
    }, {
        $unwind: {
            path: '$item.adjudication.category'
    }, {
        $unwind: {
            path: '$item.adjudication.category.coding'
    }, {
        $group: {
            _id: null,
            data: {
                $push: {
                    k: '$item.adjudication.category.coding.code',
                    v: '$item.adjudication.amount.value'
    }, {
        $project: {
            adjudication: {$arrayToObject: '$data'}
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