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I have a temp_table with user_id and date and I want to find the DAU , WAU and MAU and I am querying this for that where:
DAU – Count of active users for that day
WAU – Count of active users in last 7 days
MAU – Count of active users in last 30 days
where the date is starting from a date that is mentioned here , so there can be no current_date comparison.

dau as (Select casted_date, count(user_id) as dau 
from temp table 
group by casted_date)
select casted date, dau,
sum(dau) over (order by casted_date rows between -6 preceding and current row) as wau,
sum(dau) over (order by casted_date rows between -29 preceding and current row) as mau
from dau;

but the query is giving me an error like this :
syntax error at or near "-".

PS: I am writing the query in mysql



  1. I don’t know if your query logic be completely correct, but the syntax error you are currently seeing is due to the window function calls. Consider this corrected version:

    sum(dau) over (order by casted_date rows between 6 preceding and current row) as wau,
    sum(dau) over (order by casted_date rows between 29 preceding and current row) as mau

    There is no need to use -6 to refer to the previous 6 rows, as 6 preceding already means this.

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  2. First, you have a syntax error, you have casted date where you should have casted_date and I would not use an alias of date either which happens to be a MySQL keyword without escaping it.

    You can use casewhen to achieve your goal:

    count(distinct as DAU,
    count(distinct as WAU,
    count(distinct as MAU
    from temp td
    left join temp tw
    on tw.casted_date between date_sub(td.casted_date, interval 7 day) and td.casted_date
    left join temp tm
    on tm.casted_date between date_sub(td.casted_date, interval 30 day) and td.casted_date
    group by td.casted_date;

    Tested with this schema:

    create table temp(
        id int primary key auto_increment,
        casted_date date
    insert into temp(casted_date)

    Fiddle can be found here:!9/441aaa/10

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  3. Xou can use biuild in date functions to parttion the window functions

    create table temp(
        id int primary key auto_increment,
        casted_date date,
      user_id int
    insert into temp(casted_date,user_id)
    Records: 9  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    dau as (Select casted_date, count(user_id) as dau 
    from temp
    group by casted_date)
    select casted_date, dau,
    sum(dau) over (PARTITION BY YEAR(casted_date) ,WEEK(casted_date) order by casted_date ) as wau,
    sum(dau) over (PARTITION BY YEAR(casted_date),MONTH(casted_date) order by casted_date ) as mau
    from dau
      ORDER BY casted_date ASC;
    casted_date dau wau mau
    2020-01-16 3 3 3
    2020-02-06 3 3 3
    2020-02-07 3 6 6


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