I have a log table that records user events. These are ordered by a timestamp.
id | event | user | context | timecreated |
5 | login | 234 | 0 | 65535 |
8 | open | 234 | 5 | 65536 |
13 | open | 234 | 9 | 65539 |
17 | open | 234 | 8 | 65512 |
43 | login | 128 | 0 | 65513 |
44 | login | 293 | 0 | 65515 |
65 | open | 293 | 5 | 65516 |
66 | open | 234 | 5 | 65519 |
97 | login | 567 | 0 | 65521 |
99 | open | 567 | 9 | 65528 |
I want a query that finds the first event='open'
rows that are adjacent-next to event='login'
rows for the same user id (and other possible filters
select * from log where event='open' and context=5 and timecreated > (select timecreated from log where event='login' and user = (the same as the previous query) limit 1)
In the table above this would match the rows
id | event | user | context | timecreated |
8 | open | 234 | 5 | 65536 |
65 | open | 293 | 5 | 65516 |
99 | open | 567 | 9 | 65528 |
Is this possible in a MySQL statement?
Try this using the LAG() window function:
If you are using MySQL < 8, you could use: