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I’ve tried using previously accepted solutions for my problem, but they aren’t working:

Example "id_list"

[jlefler@server ~]$ cat id_list | tail -10
17900027[jlefler@server ~]$ cat id_list |wc -l

Command I’m trying to execute to dump 2000 id’s at a time:

xargs -a id_list -d 'n' -n 2000 sh -c 'mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in ($0 $@)" >> dump.sql' x

However I get this unexpected output:

[jlefler@server ~]$ xargs -a id_list -d 'n' -n 2000 sh -c 'mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in ($0 $@)" >> dump.sql' x
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17851966
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17853966
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17855967
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17857967
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17859975
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17861978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17863978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17865978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17867978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17869978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17871978
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17873979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17875979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17877979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17879979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17881979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17883979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17885979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17887979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17889979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17891979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17893979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17895979
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17897980
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17899986
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
"ysqldump: Couldn't find table: "17850378

Basically, the end result should be something like this:

mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (17900018,17900019,17900020...)" >> dump.sql

It takes 2000 IDs at a time adds them to dump.sql and then goes to the next 2000 until all the IDs are read from the file.

With echo command to display output, I get the following:

)17853963ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17851964
)17855964ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17853964
)17857964ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17855965
)17859972ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17857965
)17861975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17859973
)17863975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17861976
)17865975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17863976
)17867975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17865976
)17869975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17867976
)17871975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17869976
)17873976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17871976
)17875976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17873977
)17877976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17875977
)17879976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17877977
)17881976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17879977
)17883976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17881977
)17885976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17883977
)17887976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17885977
)17889976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17887977
)17891976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17889977
)17893976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17891977
)17895976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17893977
)17897977ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17895977
)17899983ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17897978
)17850375ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17899984
 17900027)mp -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (17850376
)17853963ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17851964
)17855964ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17853964
)17857964ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17855965
)17859972ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17857965
)17861975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17859973
)17863975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17861976
)17865975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17863976
)17867975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17865976
)17869975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17867976
)17871975ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17869976
)17873976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17871976
)17875976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17873977
)17877976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17875977
)17879976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17877977
)17881976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17879977
)17883976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17881977
)17885976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17883977
)17887976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17885977
)17889976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17887977
)17891976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17889977
)17893976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17891977
)17895976ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17893977
)17897977ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17895977
)17899983ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17897978
)17850375ump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17899984
 17900027)mp -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (x 17850376



  1. NOTES:

    • OP’s current syntax issue appears to be due to dos/windows line endings (rn) in the input file (id_list)
    • assuming OP can remove the r characters the next issue will likely be an invalid in() list … which is what this answer will focus on …

    Sample input file:

    $ cat id_list

    Modified xargs call:

    $ xargs -a id_list -n 3
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9

    Adding echo to see what the current code is generating:

    $ xargs -a id_list -n 3 bash -c 'echo mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in ($0 $@)"'
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (1 2 3)
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (4 5 6)
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (7 8 9)
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id in (10 )


    • OP has tagged the question with bash so I’ve replaced sh -c with bash -c
    • from this output it appears we need to replace spaces with commas for the --where/in() clause
    • it also appears we need to add a pair of escaped double quotes in order for them to show up around the --where/in() clause

    One idea for addressing these issues:

    $ xargs -a id_list -n 3 bash -c 'list=$(sed "s/ /,/g;s/,$//g" <<< "$0 $@"); echo mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=""id in ($list)""'
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where=id mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (1,2,3)"
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (4,5,6)"
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (7,8,9)"
    mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (10)"
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  2. I have a different way of approaching to this problem (without xargs).
    I tried to re-create your scenario and it is working for me.
    Have a look below.

    Generating Sample file for Ids:

    for i in {1000..15000};do echo "${i}" >> /tmp/ids.txt;done

    The Code:

    # Get the total count of Ids present in the file.
    filecount=`wc -l /tmp/ids.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
    while [ "${filecount}" != "0" ]
        # Get the first 2000 ids from the file and make them comma-separated.
        ids=`head -2000 /tmp/ids.txt | sed -ze 's/n/,/g' -e 's/,$//g'`
        # Take the dump
        mysqldump -uuser -ppassword --compact --no-create-info db table_name --where="id in (${ids})" >> /tmp/dump.sql
        # Remove the 2000 ids so that we can proceed to the next ids 
        sed -i '1,2000d' /tmp/ids.txt
        # Necessary to end the while loop :)
        filecount=`wc -l /tmp/ids.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
        echo "${filecount}"

    The Output:

    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    mysqldump: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

    I was able to successfully take the dump with this. The numbers in the output are nothing but echo "${filecount}" from the above script.

    I would recommend to make a copy of your id_list file before proceeding with this approach, since we are removing ids from the file for which backup is taken. (For me it was just a sample self-generated file)

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