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I have a problem with MySQL and/or DBforge.

I would like to import a schema using an .sql file that DBforge generated for me by comparing 2 databases.

The file DBforge created for me contains characters with accents (éèêàâ…), so far nothing abnormal, I’m French and the stored procedures I need to import are written in French.

However, when I want to execute this .sql file in my database in a PowerShell :

Get-Content $SQLfile -Encoding UTF8 | 
     mysql --password=$($target.password) -h $($ -P $($target.port) -u $($target.user) --default-character-set utf8mb4 -f -D $db 2> $tempErrorFile

All special characters are replaced by ? despite the fact that my .sql file is in UTF8 and has accents.

Here’s my call to dbforge to generate the .sql file for me (although I doubt that’s where the problem is):

&$($DBFORGE_PATH + '') /schemacompare /source connection:$SOURCE_LINE /target connection:$TARGET_LINE /ExcludeComments:Yes /ExcludeDependencies:Yes /IncludeUseDatabase:Yes /filter:$selectedFilter /sync:$SQL_DBFORGE /log:$LOG_DBFORGE_FILE

Here is my call to mysql with the file generated by dbforge :

&cmd /c "mysql --password=$($target.password) -h $($ -P $($target.port) -u $($target.user) --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -f -D $db < $SQLfile 2> $tempErrorFile"

I tried another way:

Get-Content $SQLfile -Encoding UTF8 | 
    mysql --password=$($target.password) -h $($ -P $($target.port) -u $($target.user) --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -f -D $db 2> $tempErrorFile



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Update, i find the solution !

    in reality, PowerShell was at the root of the problem. I'm still not sure why, but this command line :

    Get-Content $SQLfile -Encoding UTF8 | mysql --password=$($target.password) -h $($ -P $($target.port) -u $($target.user) --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -f -D $db 2> $tempErrorFile

    forces special characters to become "?".

    all you had to do was take the 2nd command and add `" around the path of the .sql file, i.e. :

    &cmd /c "mysql --password=$($target.password) -h $($ -P $($target.port) -u $($target.user) --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -f -D $db < `"$SQLfile`" 2> $tempErrorFile"

    If someone could explain to me why CMD works in this case but PowerShell does not.

  2. tl;dr

    • Execute $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new() before your command to ensure that Windows PowerShell sends UTF-8 to mysql

    • The reason that your cmd solution worked is that its < and > redirection operators function as raw byte conduits. Therefore, your input file’s content was (correctly) passed as-is to mysql, whereas in PowerShell Get-Content first decoded the file content into .NET strings, and, on sending the result to mysql via the pipeline, re-encoded it based on $OutputEncoding (incorrectly, in Windows PowerShell).

    • As an aside:

      • In v7.4+, PowerShell (Core) now pipes raw data between external programs and when using > to save an external program’s output to a file – see this answer for details, which also explains PowerShell’s decoding and re-encoding behavior in more detail.

    Background information:

    Your problem isn’t specific to the CLI you’re using (mysql), it is rooted in a fundamental PowerShell behavior:

    When PowerShell sends data to an external (native) program via the pipeline, it uses the character encoding stored in the $OutputEncoding preference variable.

    • Unfortunately, Windows PowerShell uses ASCII(!) encoding by default, meaning that non-ASCII characters (characters outside the 7-bit Unicode range, such as é) aren’t supported and replaced with literal ? characters, which is what you saw.

      • Therefore, you must (temporarily) assign a (BOM-less) UTF-8 encoding to $OutputEncoding before calling your command:

         # Instruct PowerShell to send UTF-8 to external programs via the pipeline.
         $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()
         # ... now make your Get-Content ... | mysql call.
    • PowerShell (Core) 7+ defaults to UTF-8.

      • While this default is more sensible, it also introduces an awkward asymmetry: on receiving data from external programs does not default to UTF-8 on Windows[1] – see below.

    When PowerShell receives data from external programs (via their stdout and stderr streams), PowerShell uses the encoding stored in [Console]::OutputEncoding to decode the data (into .NET strings).

    • Unfortunately, both PowerShell editions defaults to the legacy OEM code page determined by the active legacy system locale (aka language for non-Unicode programs), e.g. 437 on US-English systems.

      • GitHub issue #7233 suggests making UTF-8 the consistent default in the future (which only PowerShell (Core) would benefit from, given that Windows PowerShell will only receive security-criticl fixes).
    • While many CLIs honor this code page when producing their output, modern CLIs increasingly do not, given that such (fixed single-byte) code pages limit you to 256 characters. node, the Node.JS CLI, is a prominent example: it uses UTF-8 unconditionally. Others, such as mysql, allow you to request UTF-8 on demand.

    • Thus, extra effort is needed[1] in order to properly decode UTF-8 output from external programs:

       # Instruct PowerShell to send UTF-8 to external programs via the pipeline
       # and to interpret their output as UTF-8.
       $OutputEncoding =
         [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()

    [1] Except if you’ve configured your system to use UTF-8 system-wide, but note that doing so has far-reaching consequences – see this answer.

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