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I have 2 columns of type int
and I want to make a concat to two columns in presto syntax. it is possible?
for example:


  1. 345
  2. 997


  1. 23
  2. 55


  1. 34523

  2. 99755

I was trying to use the array function but it is not working :/

thanks to everyone!



  1. As presto can not convert automatically

    CONCAT(cast(id as varchar),cast(age as varchar))
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  2. You concatenate strings.

    You calculate with integers.

    So, multiply one column by 100, and add the other. And the result is another integer, not a string.

    Data Types matter. And integers are way faster than strings.

    -- your input, one table, don't use in final query ...
    id(id,idcol) AS (
                SELECT 1, 345
      UNION ALL SELECT 2, 997
    -- your input, other table, don't use in final query ...
    age(id,agecol) AS (
                SELECT 1, 23
      UNION ALL SELECT 2, 55
    -- real query starts here ...
    , idcol * 100 + agecol AS new_col
    FROM id JOIN age USING(id)
    ORDER BY 1
    -- out  id | new_col 
    -- out ----+---------
    -- out   1 |   34523
    -- out   2 |   99755
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