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I have 3 tables:

  • customers (CustomerID)
  • orders (OrderID, CustomerID)
  • orders_products (OrderID, ProductID)

I need to select each customer with their total orders and total number of products ordered by them.

To count total orders by each customer, the query is:

SELECT c.CustomerID, COUNT(o.OrderID) AS TotalOrders 
FROM customers AS c 
INNER JOIN orders AS o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID 
GROUP BY o.CustomerID 
ORDER BY TotalOrders DESC 

But how to count total number of products ordered by each customer?

I want something like below:

CustomerID TotalOrders TotalProducts
1 5 12
2 3 8

Question UPDATED with Sample Data:

I have updated my question with sample data of my three tables. The output of query suggested by some STO users here is also given below.


RowID CustomerID
1 1
2 2


RowID OrderID CustomerID
1 101 1
2 102 1
3 103 2
4 104 1


RowID OrderID ProductID
1 101 1
2 101 2
3 102 1
4 103 1
5 104 1


SELECT c.CustomerID, COUNT(o.OrderID) AS TotalOrders, COUNT(op.ProductID) AS TotalProducts 
FROM customers AS c INNER JOIN orders AS o 
ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID 
INNER JOIN orders_products AS op 
ON o.OrderID = op.OrderID 
GROUP BY c.CustomerID 
ORDER BY TotalOrders DESC, TotalProducts DESC 

Output (Incorrect):

CustomerID TotalOrders TotalProducts
1 4 4
2 1 1

You can see that customer with ID 1 has placed 3 orders and 5 products purchased under these orders. But query gives 4 total orders and also 4 total products for him. That’s wrong!

Expected Output (Correct):

CustomerID TotalOrders TotalProducts
1 3 4
2 1 1



  1. First ProductID is a primary key should be unique.
    Second i try with different types of JOIN :
    INNER JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables
    LEFT JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
    RIGHT JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
    CROSS JOIN: Returns all records from both tables

    But nothing there is a mistake on the relation between the table.

    In my case I changed orders table and it contains ProductID and CustomerID and it gives the correct result,
    hope to help you

    -- create
    CREATE TABLE customer (
      customerId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
    CREATE TABLE orders (
      customerId INTEGER,
      productsId INTEGER,
      CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerOrder FOREIGN KEY (customerId)
        REFERENCES customer(customerId),
      CONSTRAINT FK_PersonProducts FOREIGN KEY (productsId)
        REFERENCES products(productsId)  
    CREATE TABLE products (
      productsId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
    -- insert
    INSERT INTO customer VALUES (1);
    INSERT INTO customer VALUES (2);
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (101, 1, 10001);
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (102, 1, 10001);
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (103, 2, 10005);
    INSERT INTO orders VALUES (104, 1, 10003);
    INSERT INTO products VALUES (10001);
    INSERT INTO products VALUES (10002);
    INSERT INTO products VALUES (10003);
    INSERT INTO products VALUES (10004);
    INSERT INTO products VALUES (10005);
    -- fetch 
    SELECT c.customerId, 
           COUNT(o.ordersId) AS TotalOrders,
           COUNT(op.productsId) AS TotalProducts
    FROM customer AS c 
    INNER JOIN orders AS o ON c.customerId = o.customerId 
    INNER JOIN products AS op ON o.productsId = op.productsId
    GROUP BY c.customerId   
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  2. we can calculate this by using joins,

    step1: calculated number of products per each customer and named as x
    step2: calculated number of orders per each customer and named as y
    step3: do the self join considering x,y derived tables and select required
    columns. input_tables:
    Input Tables

    below is the script part:

    select x.cust_id,no_of_orders,no_of_products 
    select o.cust_id ,count(p.order_id) as no_of_products  from Orders o
    join products p 
    on p.order_id = o.order_id group by o.cust_id
    ) as x ,
    select o.cust_id ,count(o.order_id) as no_of_orders  from Orders o
    join Customer c
    on c.cust_id = o.cust_id group by o.cust_id
    ) as y 
    where x.cust_id = y.cust_id


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