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I Am builing a small application. where I Need to create MySQL Stored procedure via python using mysql Connector.

I have tried following code. But getting an following error that

"Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now."

I Am using MySQL Version 5.7.40-43-log

Below is the python code snippet what I have tried.

import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host=HOST,user=USERNAME,passwd=PASSWORD,database=DBNAME,port=PORT,allow_local_infile=True)
cursor = mydb.cursor()

sqlquery = """DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS usp_myprocedure;

             DELIMITER //
             CREATE PROCEDURE usp_myprocedure()
                  TRUNCATE TABLE mytable;
                   INSERT INTO mytable
                   SELECT col1
                          ,CASE WHEN New_col='%_%' THEN logic1 
                                                   ELSE logic2 
                                END AS mylogic
                    FROM oldtable;
                    SELECT * FROM mytable;
             END //
             DELIMITER ; 


Above piece of MySQL code is working fine when running via Mysql Workbench. But while executing via python mysql connector getting an error Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now.

Any help would be Appreciated.



  1. This typically happens when you execute stored procedures or multiple statements that generate multiple result sets without fetching all of the rows of the previous result set(-s) – you can adjust your code to fetch all the result sets:

    import mysql.connector
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
        host=HOST, user=USERNAME, passwd=PASSWORD, database=DBNAME, port=PORT, allow_local_infile=True
    cursor = mydb.cursor()
    # define sql query for creating the stored procedure
    sqlquery = """
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS usp_myprocedure;
    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_myprocedure()
        TRUNCATE TABLE mytable;
        INSERT INTO mytable
        SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4,
                WHEN New_col='%_%' THEN logic1
                ELSE logic2
            END AS mylogic
        FROM oldtable;
        SELECT * FROM mytable;
    # execute the query to create the stored procedure
    # commit changes
    # close the cursor and connection
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  2. A couple of suggestions to the code snippet:

    1. Remove the DELIMITER statement because not all MySQL clients support DELIMITER statement e.g. mysql-connector-python.
    2. multi option should be enabled for multiple SQL statements.
    3. iterate the returned generator to ensure that results from the server are handled
    for result in cursor.execute('''
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS usp_myprocedure;
    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_myprocedure()
      TRUNCATE TABLE test;
      INSERT INTO test
        SELECT id, CASE WHEN id=1 THEN 2 ELSE 2 END AS val
        FROM test2;
      SELECT * FROM test;
    ''', multi=True):
    result = cursor.execute('''
    CALL usp_myprocedure();
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