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When I start the mysql server the following happens:green lights

But then the lights turn red which means the mysql server stopped running. How can I get the mysql server to keep running after I turn it on?

red lights.


I read that if I type in

ps -ef | grep mysql

which outputs

501 72931 70523   0  2:14AM ttys000    0:00.01 grep mysql

that I should then input

sudo kill -9 [PID]

However when I replaced [PID] with all three of the numbers above plus a combination of a three numbers I get either ‘illegal process id’ or ‘no such process’


Using deceze’s advice I’d looked in the log and found that the keyring file is throwing an error and it looks like it is missing in my computer and I cannot find it. I just download Mysql, maybe I downloaded the wrong kind of Mysql except that there were 5 versions and I couldn’t figure out which one to install. Anyway here is the error message

024-05-07T05:56:52.406753Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010901] [Server] Can't open shared library '/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/' (errno: 2 dlopen(/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/, 0x0002): tried: '/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/' (no such file)).
2024-05-07T05:56:52.406788Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010736] [Server] Couldn't load plugin named 'keyring_file' with soname ''.

But as you can see the keyring file does not exist in the specified folder.


redownloading mysql didn’t work. there is only one download that works with my computer. the keyring file is still missing. I think I should just probably give up on mysql and try sql. All I’m trying to do is convert a sql file into db anyway and I have only found instructions for how to do that with mysql. so if anyone knows the answer to this question I can ditch mysql

How to convert .sql file to tables in mysql db




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I needed to change the configurations to the following, that solved the problem.enter image description here

  2. you can see this answer mysql bugs link

    Daniel Fischer suggest that: To get it to start, please disable the "Keyring Data File" option in the preference pane, or remove the two keyring lines from the launchd plist manually.

    【disable the "Keyring Data File" option in the preference pane】 is useful to me,hope it will be useful to you

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