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on mysql I see this error but can fix it. Anyone can help please?

   select * from 
    (select a.* from sessions as a)
     select b.customer_id, min(b.timestamp), 
     b.marketing_source as first_touch_source, 
     b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium 
     from sessions as b
     group by b.customer_id
     ) on a.customer_id = b=customer_id
    ) as T



  1. I believe your query should read

    select * 
    from (
        select a.* 
        from sessions as a
            (select b.customer_id, min(b.timestamp), b.marketing_source as first_touch_source, b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium 
            from sessions as b
            group by b.customer_id
        ) c USING (customer_id) # or c.customer_id = a.customer_id
    ) as T
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  2. Some DBMS require you to name all derived tables. Your query (I removed the unnessesary derived table T):

    select * 
    from (select a.* from sessions as a)
    join (select b.customer_id, min(b.timestamp)
               , b.marketing_source as first_touch_source
               , b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium 
          from sessions as b
          group by b.customer_id
      on a.customer_id = b=customer_id

    can be changed to:

    select * 
    from (select a.* from sessions as a) AS c
    join (select b.customer_id, min(b.timestamp)
               , b.marketing_source as first_touch_source
               , b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium 
          from sessions as b
          group by b.customer_id
         ) AS d
      on c.customer_id = d.customer_id

    To avoid confusion, you should choose another alias at the outer level, despite that the inner alias is not visible there.

    Side note: The derived table d may or may not be valid SQL. It is not allowed in SQL92, but it is allowed in SQL99 if marketing_* is functionally dependent of customer_id.

    You can further simplify it as:

    select * 
    from sessions AS c
    join (select b.customer_id, min(b.timestamp) as ts
               , b.marketing_source as first_touch_source
               , b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium 
          from sessions as b
          group by b.customer_id
         ) AS d
      on c.customer_id = d.customer_id

    I assume you meant to also join with c.timestamp = d.ts. If that is the case and you are on a recent version of MySQL (8+) you can use a window function instead of a self join

    select customer_id, ...
    from (
        select b.customer_id
             , b.marketing_source
             , b.marketing_medium
             , row_number() over (partition by customer_id
                                  order by b.timestamp) as rn 
        from sessions as b
    ) as T
    where rn = 1
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    • If you are just trying to bring in the minimum date column you could try two approaches, second one will work if your version supports windows function

    • subqueries are always a mess so I would suggest cte’s if supported

    with main as (
    b.marketing_source as first_touch_source, 
    b.marketing_medium as first_touch_medium,
    min(b.timestamp) as min_time,
    from sessions as b
    group by b.customer_id
    from sessions as s
    inner join main
    on s.customer_id = main.customer_id
    over(partition by customer_id,marketing_medium, marketing_source) as min_date_per_cust_med_source
    from sessions
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