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I have two tables like this :


FullName      Type
ABC aze        1
DEF rty        2 


Address1          Address2 Address3    Postcode    City
165 Ward Street                        E1 7AW      London
167 Ward Street                        E1 7AW      London
10 Auckland Street                     N1 0AA      London

I will make a lot of queries to search if the address exists and/or the enterprise exists with =.

For the enterprise’s query, it will be on VARCHAR and SMALLINT (Type column) fields : WHERE Type = 1 AND FullName = '...'

For the addresse’s query, it will be on VARCHAR fields : WHERE address1 = '...' AND address2 = '...' AND address3 = '...' AND postcode = '...' AND city = '...'

To have best response time, should I use composite index or FULLTEXT index ?



  1. Full-text searching is performed using MATCH() AGAINST() syntax, since you are using WHERE and operator = means you are searching the exact string, so the composite index is the best choice for you :

    create index entreprises_idx on Enterprises(FullName, Type);
    create index addresses_idx on Addresses(address1, address1, address1, postcode, city);

    If you want to run a full text search then you must have a full text index on the columns you’ll be running it against.

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  2. Short answer: Composite index.

    Long answer:

    WHERE Type = 1 AND FullName = '...'


    INDEX(Type, FullName)   -- (either order is ok)
    WHERE address1 = '...' AND address2 = '...' AND
          address3 = '...' AND postcode = '...' AND city = '...'


    INDEX(address1, address2, address3, postcode, city)  -- (any order)

    The above indexes will be faster than FULLTEXT because it is a perfect match (all =, no ranges, etc).

    Don’t you need to worry about "fuzzy" matching? If you do, neither INDEX, nor FULLTEXT will be of much use.

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