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I have a table with two fields, ID and Description. I have many rows in said table. I want to know how many times an id with the same description is repeated.

For example:

ID | Description
23 | Key
24 | Desk
25 | Key
26 | Key
27 | Desk

And I want to make a sql query which I get the number of times that a Description is repeated, the id that are associated and the own Description.

How can I solve this?

The output that I want it follows like this:

ID | Description | Occurrences
23 | Key | 3
24 | Desk | 2
25 | Key | 3
26 | Key | 3
27 | Desk | 2

Sorry if I have not explained well. I want to know number of occurrences of the same Description with the ID’s.

Wish your answers. Bests regards to all.



  1. if i understand correctly you can run this:

    Select id, Desc, count(*)
    from yourtable
    group by Desc
    Having count(*) > 1

    This query will provide you the results of the times a Desc is in the specific table.

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  2. You can also use a query like this. It also show the duplicate ids.

    Select count(*) AS cnt, `Desc`, GROUP_CONCAT(ID) as IDs
    from yourTable
    group by `Desc`
    Having count(*) > 1;
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  3. I would go with the GROUP_CONCAT() solution suggested above, but this will give the output you requested using COUNT() as a window function:

    SELECT *
    FROM (
        SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Description) AS Occurrences
        FROM your_table
    ) t
    WHERE Occurrences > 1

    If you want to see all descriptions, not just the duplicated ones, you can drop the use of the subquery:

    SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Description) AS Occurrences
    FROM your_table

    The same can be achieved with a correlated subquery in the SELECT list:

    SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_table WHERE Description = t.Description) AS Occurrences
    FROM your_table t
    HAVING Occurrences > 1

    The HAVING clause can be dropped if you want to include the descriptions which are not duplicated.

    All three will produce the same output for the sample data provided:

    ID Description Occurrences
    23 Key 3
    24 Desk 2
    25 Key 3
    26 Key 3
    27 Desk 2

    Here’s a db<>fiddle

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