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I want to get the records based on the row value. Please refer to the attached image for a table overview with records.

If there is no Execution Project in the column projecttype for a specific ESAProjectID then take the row with values
projecttype='Group Project' .


if both Execution Project and Group Project are found for a specific ESAProjectID then
take only projecttype='Execution Project'

In the attached image I have marked in green color records are the expected result.
enter image description here

I tried this SQL but no luck

SELECT DISTINCT a.ESAProjectID, a.projecttype
  FROM test1 a
 INNER JOIN test1 b
    ON a.ESAProjectID = b.ESAProjectID
 WHERE a.projecttype = 'Group Project'



  1. If the version of the DB is 8.0+, then you can count by using a window aggregation function per each ESAProjectID value such as

    WITH tt AS
     SELECT t.*, 
            SUM(projecttype='Execution Project') OVER (PARTITION BY ESAProjectID) AS sm
       FROM test1 AS t
    SELECT ESAProjectID, ProjectID, projecttype
      FROM tt
     WHERE sm > 0 AND projecttype = 'Execution Project'
        OR sm = 0 AND projecttype = 'Group Project'


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  2. Here’s another way:

    select a.* from test1 a
        (select ESAProjectID,
    sum(case when projecttype = 'Execution Project' then 1 else 0 end) count
    from test1 group by ESAProjectID) b
    on (a.ESAProjectID = b.ESAProjectID)
    where a.projecttype = (
        IF(b.count = 0, 'Group Project', 'Execution Project')
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  3. Since 'Execution Project' and 'Group Project' are the only possible values in the column projecttype, you can do it with NOT EXISTS:

    SELECT t1.ESAProjectID, 
    FROM test1 t1
    WHERE t1.projecttype = 'Execution Project' 
       OR NOT EXISTS (
         SELECT *
         FROM test1 t2
         WHERE t2.ESAProjectID = t1.ESAProjectID 
           AND t2.projecttype = 'Execution Project'
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