So i want to have it so that i have 6 columns. But the 6th is for orders.
The way i see it is VNr is connected to vare and ordrelinje. And thats where OrdreNr comes in which is number of orders, which is what i want.
So i tried write something like this. But any hint on how you would make it work
def DisplayData():
sqlCon = pymysql.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "root", database = "varehusdb")
cur =sqlCon.cursor()
sql="SELECT VNr, Betegnelse, Pris, KatNr, Antall, OrdreNr FROM vare JOIN ordrelinje ON vare.VNr = ordrelinje.VNr"
result = cur.fetchall()
if len(result) !=0:
for row in result:
self.varer_records.insert('', END, values =row)
When i try to enter this in MySql it works like a charm. But for some reason i get this error when i try to click "Display" button in Python application
"pymysql.err.OperationalError: (1052, "Column ‘VNr’ in field list is ambiguous") "
sql="SELECT vare.VNr, Betegnelse, Pris, KatNr, Antall, OrdreNr FROM vare JOIN ordrelinje ON vare.VNr = ordrelinje.VNr"
Try to put the table name before the field name
You should always define from which table you are selecting information every time you join.
Simply use this "template":
You can always define custom name of the table once you are JOINing it or FROMing it.
This will save you from alot of trouble.