I have a table as follows with below three columns
Date table_name count
1/6/2023 table1 5161454381
1/6/2023 table2 286759521
1/6/2023 table3 43756630
1/6/2023 table4 27032087
1/6/2023 table5 44189394
1/6/2023 table6 63475022
1/5/2023 table1 5362300063
1/5/2023 table2 289459360
1/5/2023 table3 59042261
1/5/2023 table4 37256587
1/5/2023 table5 55511764
1/5/2023 table6 77917391
1/4/2023 table1 5316875841
1/4/2023 table2 282894202
1/4/2023 table3 57226525
1/4/2023 table4 36150830
1/4/2023 table5 54099874
1/4/2023 table6 75897787
1/3/2023 table1 5301932742
1/3/2023 table2 281278819
I need to add a average for each day as well as each table. As an example,
Lets say the Date is 2023-01-06 and table is table1, I need to get the average for last 2 week same week day. Mean that the average of 2023-01-06(friday) is caclulcated by using 2022-12-30 and 2022-12-23. Both are Friday. Then it should displayed. Then I need to show it as a pivot table.
I tried as below, but average taking part is not correct, can some one help to change that part to get the required output?
t1.table_name as table_name,
MAX(CASE WHEN table_date=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 4 DAY) THEN count END) AS '$date04',
MAX(CASE WHEN table_date=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 DAY) THEN count END) AS '$date03',
MAX(CASE WHEN table_date=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) THEN count END) AS '$date02',
MAX(CASE WHEN table_date=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) THEN count END) AS '$date01',
FROM tbl t1
SELECT table_name, AVG(count) AS AVG
FROM tbl
where table_date >= DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 14 DAY)
GROUP BY table_name
) t2
ON t2.table_name = t1.table_name
where table_date >= DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 4 DAY) and t1.table_name not in ('table7')
group by t1.table_name;
I am not sure If I follow you correctly when you describe what you desire.
That’s why I made a guess …. 🤔😕😉
First change column name from
to something else. I usedDatee
Also, you will probably need dynamic sql if you want to use date value like
as actual column name