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I tried this but how to calculate for leap years.

  FLOOR(DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_of_birth) / 365.25) as years,
  FLOOR(MOD(DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_of_birth), 365.25) / 30.4375) as months,
  MOD(DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_of_birth), 30.4375) as days
FROM employees;

Can anyone please help



  1. mysql> insert into employees set name = 'Harry Potter', date_of_birth = '1980-07-31';
    mysql> SELECT
      TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, date_of_birth, NOW()) AS years,
      TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, date_of_birth, NOW()) AS months,
      TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, date_of_birth, NOW()) AS days
    FROM employees;
    | years | months | days  |
    |    42 |    509 | 15523 |


    Re your comment:

    If MySQL date functions didn’t handle leap years, they’d be pretty useless, right? In fact, they do know how to handle leap years.

    mysql> select datediff(now(),'1980-01-30') as diff_with_leap_years;
    | diff_with_leap_years |
    |                15706 |
    mysql> select 365*43 as diff_without_leap_years;
    | diff_without_leap_years |
    |                   15695 |

    Thus there are 11 leap years between 1980 and today (I am writing this on 2023-01-30).

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  2. For example:

    SELECT @years := TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, date_of_birth, CURRENT_DATE) years,
           @months := TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, date_of_birth + INTERVAL @years YEAR, CURRENT_DATE) months,
           TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, date_of_birth + INTERVAL @years YEAR + INTERVAL @months MONTH, CURRENT_DATE) days
    FROM employees;

    Of course you may use according expressions instead of UDVs.

    But there is a problem. The number of days per month vary, so the days amount in years-months-days may differ depends on the calculation direction. My query adds previously calculated years and months to date_of_birth, you may create similar query which substracts years and months from current date.. and the days amount may differ.

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