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I have 2 Tables Like these:

region Table:
|region_id | region_name |
|1         | RN1         |
|2         | RN2         |
|3         | RN3         |


role Table:
|role_id   | role_name   |
|1         | admin       |
|2         | software    |
|3         | network     |

In my HTML form I get region_id and role_id from Administrator and store using PHP in MySQL table like this:

useraccess Table:
|role_id | region_id |
|1       | 1;2;3     |
|2       | 1         |
|3       | 1;2       |

Well, the problem is I don’t know how to write a query that can retrieve region_name(s) from region table using useraccess table.
for example: when role_id = 1 then region_id is 1;2;3 so instead of 1,2,3 I want to show RN1,RN2,RN3 in my HTML page.

I tried to use for-loop using PHP but it has own limitation and doesn’t work correctly. also I used MySQL SPLIT_STR() function but maybe I can’t get the result. I will appreciate help me to solve this problem.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This instruction works better:

    SELECT  a.role_id,
        GROUP_CONCAT(b.region_name ORDER BY b.region_id) RegionAccessName
        FROM    useraccess a
        INNER JOIN region b
        ON FIND_IN_SET(b.region_id, a.region_id) > 0
        GROUP   BY a.role_id

    but instead of return:




    In PHP Code I use this:

    while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2)){;
        echo $row2["RegionAccessName"];

  2. you can use this query:

    SELECT ua.role_id,
      GROUP_CONCAT(r.region_name SEPARATOR ',') AS region_names
      FROM useraccess ua
      JOIN region r ON FIND_IN_SET(r.region_id, replace(ua.region_id,";",","))
      GROUP BY ua.role_id;
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