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I have a column CreatedDate and I want to set the below default value in the below format for this column.

Default value:- yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000

I have tried multiple solutions like I have used DATETIME datatype, TIMESTAMP but it is not taking the default value.

Could someone please share your thoughts on this?




  1. The format you show is the default datetime format if you define the column with millisecond precision.


    mysql> create table mytable (id serial primary key, ts datetime(3));
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> insert into mytable set ts = now();
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> select * from mytable;
    | id | ts                      |
    |  1 | 2023-03-06 09:15:34.000 |

    There is no way to change the default format of a datetime. Datetimes are not stored as a string, they are stored as a binary value. You must use the DATE_FORMAT() function to display a different format.

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  2. If you just want to set the default value to a specific hard-coded value, you can use the following

    ALTER TABLE tableName ALTER CreatedDate SET DEFAULT "2017-06-28 00:00:00.000";

    See ALTER TABLE Statement docs

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