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I have a table with tier pricing showing the more products purchased the better the price.

I have to import this table into another program that only lets me import products with the same sku once. This means I have to split the csv and export it into multiple csv’s.

Below is example of my table however my actual table has a lot more results/rows.

sku qty price
abc 15 10.00
abc 10 8.00
abc 5 7.00
xyz 10 5.00
bbb 8 3.50
xxx 14 27.00
xxx 12 20.50
xxx 10 15.50
xxx 8 10.00

I would say the maximum amount of tiers is 4 like sku ‘xxx’ so this would mean I would need a total of 4 statements.

I am struggling how to work out and split up the data into 4 separate tables.

I did try adding a row_number function and then thought maybe I could just export the odd/even row_numbers but that wouldn’t work when working with qty’s more than 2.

Is there another MySQL function I have not found yet that can perform this task?

The end result I am trying to achieve is like this with 4 statements for each tier.

sku qty price
abc 15 10.00
xyz 10 5.00
bbb 8 3.50
xxx 14 27.00
sku qty price
abc 10 8.00
xxx 12 20.50
sku qty price
abc 5 7.00
xxx 10 15.50
sku qty price
xxx 8 10.00

here is the db-fiddle with the row_number added.

any help appreciated. thankyou



  1. Using this row_number() function works in MySQL 8.0 and I believe works in your version of MariaDB. Try running just the CTE part of the query first to ensure it’s compatible and to better understand how that function works.

    with tiers as (
      select sku, qty, price, 
        row_number() over (partition by sku order by qty desc) as rn
      from orders_details
    select sku, qty, price
    from tiers
    where rn = 1 --repeat for 2, 3 and 4, each separately
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  2. Even in old Mysq or Maroadb version can this be achieved

    Query #1

           IF(sku = @sku, @rownum := @rownum + 1, @rownum := 1) AS `rank'`,
              @sku := sku as sku,
      FROM (SELECT * FROM orders_details ORDER BY sku,qty DESC LIMIT 18446744073709551615) t, 
           (SELECT @rownum := 0, @sku := '') r
    ORDER BY 1;
    rank’ sku qty price
    1 abc 15 10
    1 xyz 10 5
    1 bbb 8 4
    1 xxx 14 27
    2 abc 10 8
    2 xxx 12 21
    3 xxx 10 16
    3 abc 5 7
    4 xxx 8 10

    View on DB Fiddle

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