I want to upload the files to Cloudinary and then get the ‘secure_url’ s and insert them into a MySQL database. However my current code immediately execute the SQL function. How to make the SQL function wait till the Cloudinary upload finishes.
Below is the code :
app.post('/create', upload.array('uploaded_file'), function (req, res) {
var wallet = req.body.wallet
var name = req.body.fname
var nic = req.body.nic
var nicfront = req.files[0].path;
var nicback = req.files[1].path;
var selfie = req.files[2].path;
var state = 1
var frontURL = "temp_string"
var backURL = "temp_string"
var selfieURL = "temp_string"
cloudinary.uploader.upload(nicfront, function (err, result) {
console.log("Result: ", result);
frontURL = result.secure_url;
cloudinary.uploader.upload(nicback, function (err, result) {
console.log("Result: ", result);
backURL = result.secure_url;
cloudinary.uploader.upload(selfie, function (err, result) {
console.log("Result: ", result);
selfieURL = result.secure_url;
// Insert into MySQL Database
db.query("INSERT INTO applications (wallet, name, nic, nicfront, nicback, selfie, state) VALUE (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [wallet, name, nic, frontURL, backURL, selfieURL, state], (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
res.send("Inserted into MySQL!")
app.listen(3001, () => {
db.connect(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
I'm not sure if this is the best way to fix this, but somehow it worked. I'm sharing it here just in case someone finds it useful in the future.
Node.js I/O is async, so each of your lines starts uploading and moves onto the next line. Use something like async.parallel to manage the flow of your code so it waits for the three uploads to complete before running the insert:
Edit: you could also switch to using promises with async/await if
returns a promise object when not passed a callback. This might make the code more readable, but I used the async module since your existing code is callback-based. Also, make sure to handle those errors! 🙂