SUM(pph.value_debit) AS debits,
SUM(pph.value_credit) AS credits,
SUM(pph.value_debit-pph.value_credit) OVER (ORDER BY pph.accnt_code, pph.period) AS endbal
FROM trans_tst pph
GROUP BY pph.accnt_code, pph.period
ORDER BY pph.accnt_code, pph.period
result should have beenresulting running totals table
but result obtained was
wrong running total calculation
I created an intermediate table consolidating debits and credits by period and then the running total is correct
Problem was solved with the following code
WITH cte1 AS (SELECT accnt_code, period, SUM(value_debit) over(PARTITION BY accnt_code, period) AS debit, SUM(value_credit) over(PARTITION BY accnt_code, period) AS credit,
FROM trans_tst ) SELECT accnt_code, period, debit, credit, endbal FROM cte1 GROUP BY accnt_code, period ORDER BY accnt_code, period;
The point to realize here is that the window functions evaluate after
. As a result of this, the credit and debit columns are not even available. You should be summing the sums, usingSUM()
as a window function for the former.