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My database is MySQL. I want to create .db sqlite file from my .sql file. when i am trying to achieve that using .read command i am getting many errors because the format which the sqlite desire does not matches with my format. My database is so big that i can not manually change something.

Below are the error messages which I got while performing .read operation.

(env) PS C:UsersadminDownloadsAdvanced-QA-and-RAG-Series-mainQNA> .sqlite3 111.db
SQLite version 3.45.3 2024-04-15 13:34:05 (UTF-16 console I/O)
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> . readProgram interrupted.
(env) PS C:UsersadminDownloadsAdvanced-QA-and-RAG-Series-mainQNA> .sqlite3 111.db
SQLite version 3.45.3 2024-04-15 13:34:05 (UTF-16 console I/O)
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Error: cannot open "R2..efew"
sqlite> .read adgf.sql
Error: cannot open "adgf.sql"
sqlite> read R2.sql
   ...> .read R2.sql
   ...> ^X^X
   ...> exit()
(env) PS C:UsersadminDownloadsAdvanced-QA-and-RAG-Series-mainQNA> .sqlite3 111.db
SQLite version 3.45.3 2024-04-15 13:34:05 (UTF-16 console I/O)
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .read R2.sql
Parse error near line 17: near "SET": syntax error
  SET NAMES utf8mb4;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 18: near "SET": syntax error
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 24: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  ABLE `app_version`  (   `id` smallint(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `askupdate
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 40: near "CHARACTER": syntax error
    `id` smallint(9) NOT NULL,   `name` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE u
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 52: near "'WORKING'": syntax error
     `date` date NOT NULL,   `attendance_type` enum('WORKING','ABSENT','HOLIDAY'
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 95: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E `attendance_request`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 116: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E `attendance_setting`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `company_i
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 136: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  REATE TABLE `city`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 149: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  TE TABLE `company`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 159: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  TABLE `department`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 169: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  ABLE `designation`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 180: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  REATE TABLE `document`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `document_
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 203: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  LE `document_type`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 213: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  EATE TABLE `grade`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 223: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  CREATE TABLE `holiday`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `date` dat
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 242: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  LE `late_mark_setting`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `from_min`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 259: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E TABLE `leave_ledger`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 278: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
   TABLE `leave_request`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 301: near "'WORKING'": syntax error
  nt(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL,   `attendance_type` enum('WORKING','ABSENT','HOLIDAY'
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 316: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
   TABLE `leave_setting`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 331: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  TABLE `leave_type`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 344: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E TABLE `location`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 362: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  CREATE TABLE `log`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `created_by` i
                                  error here ---^
Parse error near line 378: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  REATE TABLE `menu`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 389: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  TE TABLE `message_log`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 410: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  BLE `message_template`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `from_addr
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 432: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E TABLE `notification`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `notificat
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 451: near "USING": syntax error
  ULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`notification_id`, `user_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoD
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 462: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  reimbursement_request`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `user_id`
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 479: near "CHARACTER": syntax error
  REATE TABLE `session_track`  (   `id` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE u
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 494: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  EATE TABLE `state`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 505: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  ATE TABLE `status`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 515: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  E TABLE `sub_menu`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 530: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  CREATE TABLE `user`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` varcha
                                   error here ---^
Parse error near line 558: near "(": syntax error
  ed_on` timestamp(0) NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0),   `created_by` int(11)
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 572: near "CHARACTER": syntax error
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,   `password` char(42) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE u
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 582: near "USING": syntax error
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 605: near "CHARACTER": syntax error
  int(11) NOT NULL,   `attendance_code` varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE u
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 660: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
   `user_device_mapping`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `created_o
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 676: near "USING": syntax error
  L DEFAULT 0.00,   PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`, `date`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoD
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 692: near "CHARACTER": syntax error
   `actual_json` json NULL,   `remark` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE u
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 732: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
  ABLE `user_status_log`  (   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `createdby
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 748: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error
   TABLE `user_type`  (   `id` smallint(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   `name` var
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 758: near "ALGORITHM": syntax error
         ^--- error here
Parse error near line 763: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
       ^--- error here
Parse error near line 764: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 765: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  CREATE FUNCTION `camel_case`(str varchar(128))  RETURNS varchar(128) CHARSET u
         ^--- error here
Parse error near line 769: near "DECLARE": syntax error
  DECLARE sub, proper VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '';
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 771: near "if": syntax error
  if length(trim(str)) > 0 then     WHILE pos > 0 DO         set pos = locate('
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 774: near "if": syntax error
  if pos = 0 then             set sub = lower(trim(substr(trim(str),n)));
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 776: near "else": syntax error
  else             set sub = lower(trim(substr(trim(str),n,pos-n)));
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 778: near "if": syntax error
  end if;
      ^--- error here
Parse error near line 780: near "set": syntax error
  set proper = concat_ws(' ', proper, concat(upper(left(sub,1)),substr(sub,2)));
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 781: near "set": syntax error
  set n = pos + 1;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 782: near "WHILE": syntax error
      ^--- error here
Parse error near line 783: near "if": syntax error
  end if;
      ^--- error here
Parse error near line 785: near "RETURN": syntax error
  RETURN trim(proper);
  ^--- error here
Runtime error near line 786: cannot commit - no transaction is active
Parse error near line 788: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 793: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `getleavejson`;
       ^--- error here
Parse error near line 794: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 795: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  CREATE FUNCTION `getleavejson`(`userid` int,`fromdatearg` date,`todatearg` dat
         ^--- error here
Parse error near line 799: near "into": syntax error
  select CONCAT('[',GROUP_CONCAT(lljson),']') into leavejson from ( select CONCA
                                error here ---^
Parse error near line 803: near "RETURN": syntax error
  RETURN leavejson;
  ^--- error here
Runtime error near line 804: cannot commit - no transaction is active
Parse error near line 806: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 811: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `getpaiddays`;
       ^--- error here
Parse error near line 812: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 813: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  CREATE FUNCTION `getpaiddays`(`userid` int,`fromdatearg` date,`todatearg` date
         ^--- error here
Parse error near line 817: near "into": syntax error
  nd a.duration is null then 0.5 else 1.0 end) end) into paiddays from attendanc
                                      error here ---^
Parse error near line 822: near "RETURN": syntax error
  RETURN paiddays;
  ^--- error here
Runtime error near line 823: cannot commit - no transaction is active
Parse error near line 825: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 830: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
       ^--- error here
Parse error near line 831: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 832: near "FUNCTION": syntax error
  CREATE FUNCTION `haversine`(`lat1` double,`lon1` double,`lat2` double,`lon2` d
         ^--- error here
Runtime error near line 848: cannot commit - no transaction is active
Parse error near line 850: near "delimiter": syntax error
  delimiter ;
  ^--- error here
Parse error near line 852: near "SET": syntax error
  ^--- error here

I am expecting that it should successfully create my table schema and structure based on the one
which I provided



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
    import sqlparse
    # Read the MySQL SQL script
    with open('R1.sql', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        sql_script =
    # Replace MySQL-specific syntax with SQLite-compatible syntax
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' AUTO_INCREMENT', ' AUTOINCREMENT')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' ENGINE=InnoDB', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' COLLATE utf8_general_ci', '')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' USING BTREE', '')
    # Additional replacements
    sql_script = sql_script.replace(' enum(', ' text CHECK(')
    sql_script = sql_script.replace('`', '')
    # Drop any delimiter lines (used in MySQL for procedures/functions)
    sql_script = sqlparse.format(sql_script, strip_comments=True)
    sql_script = 'n'.join([line for line in sql_script.split('n') if not line.strip().lower().startswith('delimiter')])
    # Save the modified SQL script for SQLite
    with open('modified_sql_script.sql', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:

  2. Plan A:

    1. Hand create the CREATE statements for the target.
    2. Dump the data as a CSV file (see source documentation for how to do this).
    3. Load the CSV file (see target documentation).

    Plan B:

    See target documentation for a utility that might do the conversion for you. For example, MySQL Workbench is pretty good at converting external data to MySQL.

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