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I am a beginner at SQL. I have a single table called enrolment where I have users (user_id) who can have either single or multiple courses which are represented using course_id.

I want to find the users who are only enrolled into the course 10, have no due fees (due_fee) and nothing else.
This is my attempt at this problem but it is not working:

SELECT user_id FROM student_enrollment WHERE course_id = 10 and due_fee = 0.00

This query is selecting the users who have a course_id of 10 but how do I filter this so that the users who have both 10 and other course_id’s are removed? Then the end result would only be the users with course_id 10.



  1. You could phrase this using exists logic:

    SELECT user_id
    FROM student_enrollment se1
    WHERE course_id = 10 AND
          NOT EXISTS (
              SELECT 1
              FROM student_enrollment se2
              WHERE se2.user_id = se1.user_id AND
                    se2.course_id <> 10

    Another approach, using aggregation:

    SELECT user_id
    FROM student_enrollment
    GROUP BY user_id
    HAVING SUM(course_id <> 10) = 0;
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  2. A simple way is to use EXCEPT: Find all users that take class #10 except those who also take another class.

    SELECT user_id FROM student_enrollment WHERE course_id = 10
    SELECT user_id FROM student_enrollment WHERE course_id <> 10

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  3. Using conditional aggregation and filter:

    SELECT user_id
    SELECT user_id, 
           count(case when course_id = 10 then 1 else 0 end) cnt_10,
           count(case when course_id <> 10 then 1 else 0 end) cnt_other
    FROM student_enrollment s
    GROUP BY user_id
    ) s
    WHERE cnt_10>0 and cnt_other=0
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